此文件之宗旨為說明客戶在公開發佈或引用 Comscore 數據時需遵照之規範。

External Use and Citation of Comscore Data Formal Policy & Guidelines
Comscore 數據發佈及引用規範 (2018年9月更新)

The purpose of this document is to state the policy and guidelines for clients, partners, journalists and other organizations citing any Comscore data in the public domain. The policy is as follows:
此文件之宗旨為告知所有單位在公開發佈或引用Comscore 數據時須遵照以下規範:

Comscore 數據公開引用規範

  • Comscore’s Prior Written Approval is Required for Public Data Use:
  • 公開使用 Comscore 數據須取得 Comscore 事前書面許可:
  • No entity or person will copy, disseminate, publish, distribute, transmit, display or otherwise disclose externally any Comscore data (custom or syndicated) without Comscore’s prior written consent.
  • 未取得 Comscore 事前書面同意之個人或團體單位,均不得複製、傳播、發佈、以任何形式引用、出版、公開、展示、再製、交換、展示,或以其它方式揭露 Comscore 數據。
  • Examples of external materials requiring prior Comscore written approval include press releases, press outreach, collateral, presentations, social media, paid or unpaid advertisements, websites and academic papers.
  • 須要取得許可的引用形式,包括公開新聞稿、文宣、演說簡報、社群媒體貼文、付費/非付費廣告內文、網站內文引用及學術論文。
  • Companies under current agreement for Comscore data (clients) must work with their primary Comscore commercial contact to obtain Comscore Marketing’s prior written approval of their request.
  • 若為 Comscore 既有客戶,請聯繫 Comscore 主要業務窗口取得數據的引用許可。
  • Additionally, clients publishing studies or other more in-depth uses of Comscore data must also receive prior written approval for the specific intended data usage.
  • 此外,若客戶預發布研究案例或其他對於 Comscore 數據更深入之使用,同樣須就預定使用數據取得 Comscore 之事前書面批准。
  • In order for Comscore to provide approval, all materials must adhere to Comscore data citation guidelines as outlined in this policy below.
  • 為順利取得 Comscore 批准,所有事先提供資料需符合本規範中所列舉之需求。
  • Original Data and/or Report is Required when Requesting Permission to Use Comscore Data:
  • 如須向 Comscore 申請數據的引用許可,請提供原始數據報表。
  • For verification purposes, prior to receiving Comscore written approval for external data usage, entities or persons must provide Comscore with a duplicate of the data report used as the original source for external materials as well as a description of the intended usage and context in which the data will appear.
  • 出於審核用途,請提供引用數據的原始報表,另外,也請說明數據用途和附上數據引用時的完整敘述。
  • Data will only be authorized for the requested context and may not be used beyond that scope without additional written approval from Comscore (e.g. if Comscore approves data use in a presentation, the same data is not to be used in materials beyond that presentation, including press releases, without prior written notice from Comscore).
  • 只有取得 Comscore 引用許可的數據可以使用,不能以其他形式延伸使用,否則應再次向 Comscore 申請引用許可。(例:如 Comscore 允許某份數據在演講簡報中使用,除了該演講簡報外的內容都不許使用。)
  • Current Client Agreement is Required to Use Comscore Data not in the Public Domain:
  • 在非公開網域使用 Comscore 數據須是 Comscore 現有客戶。
  • Companies using Comscore data for promotional purposes must be under a current agreement for said data from Comscore (clients) unless said data has already been placed into the public domain by an authorized party.
  • 引用 Comscore 數據作為宣傳目的之公司須為 Comscore 該引用數據資料庫之既存客戶,除非該數據已為被授權者公佈於公開網域。
  • In this context, public domain includes Comscore websites, Comscore press releases and other public communications, and/or articles in the media.
  • 上述公開網域包括 Comscore 網站、Comscore 新聞稿、公開文宣或是任何形式的公開文章。
  • Non-clients who wish to use Comscore data in the public domain are required to comply with the relevant usage and citation guidelines as if they were clients. Comscore reserves the right to ask non-clients to correct or update the data to make sure it is aligned with the usage and citation policies outlined in this document.
  • 非 Comscore 既存客戶若希望於公開領域中發佈數據,亦須如同既存客戶一樣遵守 Comscore 數據公開引用規範。Comscore 亦擁有要求非既存客戶更正並更新錯誤引用之資料,以符合是拒公開引用規範中之原則。
  • Comscore Must Maintain its Status as an Independent, Third-Party Measurement Supplier:
  • Comscore 為獨立、第三方數據監測單位,須保持其中立性。
  • Comscore must maintain its objectivity and cannot endorse or appear to endorse one party over another.
  • Comscore 須維持其客觀性,不為特定單位背書或支持某特定單位。
  • Comscore does not and will not take a position on how clients choose to promote Comscore’s data in external channels.
  • 對於客戶如何在外部管道運用Comscore 資料,Comscore並不預設任何立場。
  • While Comscore can and will verify the accuracy of the Comscore data being published, Comscore will not take a public stance on marketing positioning or materials.
  • 然而Comscore將會驗證被發佈之資訊中引用數據之正確性,因此Comscore不會表達對於任何發佈資料以及行銷定位上的立場。
  • Comscore employees may not be quoted making promotional comments in third-party press releases.
  • Comscore員工亦無法對任何於第三方單位發佈之文件中發表促銷相關的言論。
  • There may be specific exceptions in which inclusion of Comscore employee quotes does not jeopardize Comscore’s independent, third-party standing (e.g. industry associations such as DCN, IAB or ANA that commission Comscore research for the benefit of an entire industry (or industry sector) or a joint product announcement).
  • 唯有在某些不危害公司獨立第三方地位的特定情況下,Comscore員工之言論得以被引用在文件中(例如Comscore接受產業中某些中立協會委託,為整個產業或某行業別進行研究,或是聯合產品發表聲明)
  • Comscore Reserves the Right to Take Action or Respond to Incorrect Data or Policy Violations:
  • 對於錯誤的數據使用方式或違反規範的行爲,Comscore 保留採取相關法律行動之權力。
  • Comscore reserves the right to prohibit clients from publishing certain data points, particularly those pertaining to out-of-date, inaccurate, objectionable or otherwise controversial content.
  • Comscore 有權禁止客戶發佈數據,特別是關於過時、不正確的數據或是容易引發爭議之內容。
  • If a client publishes incorrect or out-of-date data and does not comply with Comscore’s request to correct the data in a timely fashion, Comscore reserves the right to provide the correct or current data in the public domain, or to provide the correct or current data to parties that inquire about it.
  • 若客戶發佈錯誤、過時,且無法即時回應Comscore 更正需求的話,Comscore保有在其公開網域發表正確、更新的數據,或是提供正確、更新的數據給任何向Comscore徵詢之單位。
  • If a press outlet or other third-party contacts Comscore to verify or refute comparative claims, Comscore, per this policy, will only verify or refute the accuracy of comparative claims.
  • 若遇新聞媒體或其餘第三方單位要求Comscore驗證該內容,或駁斥該內容所陳述,Comscore基於本規範僅會對內容發表引用正確與否之意見。
  • Further, Comscore will provide the party with language that reinforces its role as an independent and impartial measurement supplier and restate that this policy requires Comscore to refrain from commentary about how clients choose to promote or market their own market positions and rankings.
  • 此外,Comscore亦會對來徵詢之單位強調其身為公正獨立第三方數據供應方之角色,且重申基於本規範,Comscore無法對客戶如何詮釋並運用Comscore數據進行市場行銷推廣之行為作出評斷。


公開引用 Comscore 數據之守則

Ranking and Trending Guidelines

  • Clients Must Denote Rankings from Actual Syndicated Categories and Entity Groupings:
  • 數據引用時必須註明觀察類別和觀察對象之設定:
  • Any ranking claims based on Comscore data must use the actual ranked entities from the Comscore Ranked Category view.
  • 任何引用自Comscore資料庫中的排名資料都需要本於Comscore Ranked Category 設定中所示。
  • Citations of rank must mention the ranking in some context, such as a category or demography, according to Comscore’s Ranked Category view (e.g., Comscore MMX®, News/Information, Total Audience, July 2018, U.S.).
  • 引用內容中須提到操作排名資料時之相關設定,例如:觀察類別、使用者人口變項,以及以Ranked Category 設定方式產出數據 (如:Comscore Mobile Metrix®, News/Information, Total Audience, July 2018, Taiwan)。
  • Clients Must Denote Client’s Custom-Defined Rankings Derived from Comscore Data:
  • 如使用自定義類別觀察排名,請特別註明此自定義類別是參考 Comscore 數據後自定義而出:
  • There may be select instances in which clients wish to make competitive claims based on the best available apples-to-apples definitions at the brand level, content level or other appropriate view of the market. Such instances will be allowed provided that Comscore vets the comparability of these entities and the context in which they are being used.
  • 客戶可能會為了競爭性考量在不同層面上比較各個同質性媒體,可能是以品牌、內容層面或是其他適合業界的觀點。Comscore 會審視其自定義媒體清單的可比較性和相關的文字敘述是否適當,以決定是否同意以此自定義媒體清單作為比較基準。
  • If the client refers to a category or entity grouping other than as defined by Comscore, the ranking must have an accompanying footnote indicating that the list of entities is custom-defined by the client and must indicate the entities included in that view.
  • 假使客戶以非 Comscore 定義的類別與媒體做為排名依據,必須在內文中註明此媒體清單和類別係由客戶自行定義產出。
  • If the custom-defined list of entities is long, only a reasonable number of the entities need to be included in the sourcing, but an accessible list should be kept on file and made available publicly upon request.
  • 若客戶自定義媒體清單過長,則僅需在內容中包含合理數量之觀察對象,但完整清單須以檔案形式保存並可供公開查詢。
  • Any marketing or promotional language citing a client’s custom-defined ranking must, in addition to indicating that it is according to client’s own custom ranking, not be directly attributed to Comscore as the source. However, client’s language should mention that the custom ranking was created using Comscore data. (e.g. “PQR is the leading entity in XYZ category*”; footnote: *According to PQR’s custom-defined ranking based on Comscore data.)
  • 任何使用客戶自定義媒體清單進行排名之行銷推廣資料,都必須另外加註該媒體清單為客戶自行定義,不得僅表明資料引用自Comscore資料庫,但需表明該自定義媒體清單是根據Comscore資料所建立(如:在XYZ類別*中,PQR位居領先地位;*註:PQR根據Comscore資料庫所建立之自定義清單所呈現之排名)。
  • Clients Must Avoid Making Claims Based on Trending/Ranking Data with Inorganic Changes (definition below):
  • 客戶應避免對非自然異動 (定義下述) 之趨勢或排名數據提出疑義。
  • Claims of changes in rankings due primarily to methodological or reporting enhancements (“inorganic changes”) should be avoided. Clients who have benefitted in a ranking due to such a change may make claims about its current ranking but should avoid competitive claims attributable to these inorganic changes.
  • 應該避免因研究方法改變、報告功能更新(即“非自然異動”)所造成的排名異動提出疑義。因此類的異動而受益的客戶可能會對該排名做出陳述,但仍應避免以此原因進行行銷宣傳。
  • In some cases, clients may refer to trends that include some minor element of inorganic changes; however, they are cautioned to be judicious. If asked by news media as to the validity of such claims, Comscore will always be transparent about factors that may have caused an inorganic increase or decrease.
  • 在某些情況下,客戶參考之趨勢數據將包含某些非自然異動所致之微小變化,然而,客戶會被警示運用資料時須經審慎評估。如果有任何單位或新聞媒體向 Comscore 求證數據的真實性,Comscore 會據實告知哪些因素可能會造成數據非自然的增減。
  • Clients wishing to provide “trended” data must first consult with Comscore to verify the accuracy of the trend. Changes in product methodology or projections as well as data from “beta” periods can render certain “trends” invalid as the historical data may not be a direct “apples-to-apples” comparison with current data.
  • 對於希望提供趨勢報告的客戶,須先諮詢Comscore以驗證趨勢數據之正確性。某些時期之歷史數據,基於研究方法或推估程序的改變,以及beta期間的數據可能會造成某些趨勢數據具較低參考性,因此無法與當前數據進行同樣基準的比較。


Reporting Entity Guidelines

  • Clients Must Adhere to Proper Syndicated Entity Citations:
  • 引用數據時須附上準確的觀察對象名稱:
  • Specific and accurate entity descriptions in the citation must be consistent with the labels used in Comscore syndicated reports – e.g. “Match.com” vs. “Match.com Sites”, whichever appears in the report.
  • 準確描述的觀察對象名稱必須和 Comscore 報告中呈現的使用名稱一致,例如:「Match.com」vs.「Match.com Sites」。
  • If the client wishes to use an abbreviated version of the entity for the sake of marketing style/brevity, it may do so as long as there is an accompanying footnote indicating the specific entity being used for the claim.
  • 客戶基於企業風格或版面簡潔起見,可使用簡稱或縮寫表示觀察對象,唯需要在內文中加註該縮寫或簡稱所指陳之對象。
  • Clients Must Delineate Custom Entities Through Proper Citations:
  • 如要引用客製觀察媒體,必須正確描述。
  • Any custom report – whether proprietary or syndicated, including Custom Entities (denoted by an [E]) or ALT-Rollups (denoted as [A#]) – from which data is quoted must be appropriately referenced as such through footnotes. (e.g., custom research conducted for [Client Name] by Comscore [Month, Year] OR Comscore Custom Reporting, June 2018, U.S.)
  • 任何引用客製定義 ([E]、[A#]) 或客製報告 (syndicated or proprietary) 的數據須適當的註明,例如:此客製化研究是Comscore 為 [客戶名稱] 產出之客製報告 (年/月) 。


Brand and Sourcing Guidelines

  • Clients Must Reference Proper Sourcing and Relevant Time Period:
  • 引用數據時請附上適當的來源說明和報告月份
  • If a client refers to a specific, standard Comscore report, whether custom or syndicated, the report must be appropriately cited using the proper name of the report and source, “Comscore.”
  • 不論是客製或一般 (custom or syndicated) 的 Comscore 報告,皆須說明引用之資料庫名稱,且 “Comscore” 中的 “C” 請以大寫示之。
  • The Comscore product/service, data periods, and geography must be properly sourced (e.g., Source: Comscore MMX®, June 2017, U.S.).
  • Comscore 產品/服務名稱、報告月份、觀察地理區須要清楚註明,例如:數據來源:Comscore Mobile Metrix®, June 2017, U.S.。
  • Appropriate reference to the specific reporting metrics being used (e.g., “unique visitors”) and time period (e.g., June 2018) should also be cited.
  • 如有特定指標、報告月份,也須要適當註明,例如:參考指標為不重複造訪人數;報告月份為 2018 年 6 月。
  • Client should source the most recent practical reporting time period in their public communications.
  • 客戶在其公開發佈內容中需引用最近期數據。
  • For syndicated research, the time period should be the most recent data available that also allows sufficient time for creation of the communications material. Clients should not “cherry pick” past data points purely for the purposes of highlighting a favorable position that may no longer hold true.
  • 以既存報告為例,客戶需使用系統中最近期之資料,同時也讓客戶有足夠時間準備公開發佈資料的素材。客戶不應僅為彰顯其在某領域中的特定地位,而挑選歷史資料中對其較有利之月份數據。
  • For custom research or studies, the time period may necessarily be from several months past due to the extended nature of many of these analyses.
  • 客製化研究則由於該類分析須經由較長時間分析,因此發佈時間或為數月後。
  • Comscore and its Products Must be Properly Sourced:
  • Comscore 的品牌和其產品名稱必須正確引用:
  • Comscore syndicated data should be referenced as provided by an audience measurement or ratings service, not a “survey,” “study” or “report.”
  • Comscore 既存報告數據是以監測實際使用者和評級排名為主,而非調查、研究或一般報告。
  • Clients who quote a Comscore dataset alongside another data source or a different Comscore dataset (such as standard and custom categories) must clearly distinguish between the different datasets. Comscore data may not be used in direct comparison to another, non-Comscore audience measurement or web analytics platform.
  • 客戶若同時引用Comscore資料庫與其他資料庫,或是不同Comscore資料源(例如制式類別與自定義類別),須清楚說明數據分別引用自何處,且不得將Comscore數據與其他資料庫、非Comscore之人口分析、其餘網路分析平台提供之數據直接進行比較。
  • Clients who wish to include a description of Comscore in press releases may do so. The most recent Comscore company information and official boilerplate may be found in press section of our website at: www.comscore.com/companyinfo.
  • 客戶若須在新聞稿內包含 Comscore 的敘述,可在 Comscore 網站上的媒體區取得最新的 Comscore 相關資訊:www.comscore.com/companyinfo
  • Comscore corporate and business unit names are trademarks in various markets and must be referenced accordingly. This includes the proper use of capitalization, even at the beginning of a sentence or paragraph, and use of the trademark symbol “®” for Comscore’s registered trademarks (e.g., ” Comscore MMX,” “vCE”, “TV Essentials,” “StationView Essentials,” “UDM,” “Unified Digital Measurement,” and the “Comscore” logo). Important: “MMX®” should only be used within the United States; “MMX®” must be used instead for all other regions. For example:
    • Comscore MMX® (Comscore MMX® internationally)
    • Comscore TV Essentials®
    • Comscore StationView Essentials®
    • Comscore Mobile Metrix®
  • Comscore 企業名稱在各市場皆為註冊商標,應正確拼出,包含使用大寫的方式,並且須使用 “®” 代表已註冊之商標。例如:“Comscore MMX,” “vCE,” “TV Essentials,” “StationView Essentials,” “UDM,” “Unified Digital Measurement,” 以及 “Comscore” logo。另外 “Media Metrix®” 只適用於美國,其餘國家請使用 “MMX®”,請見下方範例:
    • Comscore MMX® (Comscore MMX® internationally)
    • Comscore TV Essentials®
    • Comscore StationView Essentials®
    • Comscore Mobile Metrix®
  • Comscore Logo Must Follow Designated Parameters:
  • Comscore Logo 必須沿用指定的圖像參數
  • Do not alter the Comscore logo in any way. Do not warp, distort, mirror, stretch, rotate, skew or apply effects to the logo. Do not change the logo color. Do not separate the elements. Never attempt to create the logo yourself, change the font or alter the size or proportions. Do not use old versions of the Comscore logo. Download Comscore logo files here.
  • 請勿以任何形式修改 Comscore logo,包括縮放、彎曲、鏡像、旋轉、延伸和應用特效,也請勿改變顏色、把設計元素分開,更改圖、文比例。另外,也請勿使用舊版 logo,新版 logo 可於此處下載:Download Comscore logo files here