美國Google 12月搜尋稱冠、Bing下滑
- Nielsen Reports December U.S. Search Rankings
An estimated 6.7 billion search queries were conducted at Google Search, representing 67.3 percent of all search queries conducted during the given time period.
央視自推搜尋引擎 受關注
「推」友率先PO災情 通訊社搶用
- Mashable: Haiti Earthquake Twitter Pictures Sweep Across the Web
An outpouring of well wishes and support for the Haitian people has swept the web in the wake of a devastating 7.0 earthquake in Haiti. And just like during the Eureka earthquake, tweets have quickly spread moving and gut-wrenching TwitPics of the disaster.
近半谷歌新聞讀者只看標題 報業網站虧最大
美國最新調查,Google News近半數訪客只掃過新聞標題,而不會進一步連上報紙媒體的主網站
- Outsell Report Shows Nearly Half of News Users Bypass Newspaper Sites in Favor of Google
“A full 44 percent of visitors to Google News scan headlines without accessing newspapers’ individual sites.”
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