投入URL短址 Google推Goo.gl

  • Making URLs shorter for Google toolbar and FeedBurner
    People share a lot of links online. This is particularly true as microblogging services such as Twitter have grown in popularity. If you’re not familiar with them, URL shorteners basically squeeze a long URL into fewer characters to make it easier to share with others.
  • Goo.gl
  • Yahoo加入即時搜尋大戰

  • Yahoo Shortcuts
  • 抗Facebook? Yahoo奇摩明推無名小站2.0


  • U.S. Online Holiday Spending Reaches $16 Billion for First 36 Days of the November-December Shopping Season
    According to the most recent survey, 28 percent of those who have begun their holiday shopping this season indicated that social media has influenced their purchases.
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